Blow up Strip Mine Eco Wells (Jak II)

From Atrocious Gameplay Wiki

Blow up Strip Mine Eco Wells is a mission in Jak II. In this mission, Jak has to use the JET-Board to throw one bomb into each of the six eco wells within 2 minutes. This is considered by many to be one of the most frustrating missions in the game.

Why It Sucks

  1. The eco wells are spread out, making it take a while to get to each one.
  2. You have to build up enough speed in order to travel high enough up the ramp to throw a bomb into an eco well. The problem is that the JET-Board takes forever to get to top speed.
  3. The mine transport is very slow, so it takes a long time to get to one of the eco wells.
  4. You have to do this within 2 minutes, which is barely enough time to destroy every single eco well given how spread out they are.

The Only Redeeming Quality

  1. The cutscene that precedes this mission is rather entertaining.


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