Eggrobo (Sonic Lost World)

From Atrocious Gameplay Wiki

Note:This page is for the Wii-U version

The Eggrobo is the final boss of Sonic Lost World. This boss is however infamous for its laughable easy battle and lazy idea.

Bad Qualities

  1. To start off this list, the Eggrobo is a complete ripoff of the Nega Wisp Armor from Sonic Colors.
  2. The Eggrobo's attacks are pretty easy to avoid.
  3. Not only are the attacks easy to avoid, but their isn't very much of them. The Nega Wisp Armor actually had more attacks by combining them.
  4. It is an out of nowhere idea of a final boss as the Deadly six are the main antagonists.
  5. Very weird gameplay, when the Eggrobo attacks, it unattached its arms to then use the attacks, which makes no since, why does the Eggrobo need to detach its arms to attack?

Good Qualities

  1. The Eggrobo has a neat design.
  2. The music is good.
  3. Depending on your opinion, the plot twist is good.


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