Ursula (Kingdom Hearts)

From Atrocious Gameplay Wiki

Ursula is the boss of Atlantica in Kingdom Hearts. After being beaten by Sora earlier and losing Flotsam and Jetsam, she retreats to a bigger area. Upon reaching her, she makes herself huge.

Why She Sucks

  1. Ursula is a brutal difficulty spike, as you are still pretty early in the game, as such you won't have any decent equipment.
  2. Ursula's attacks are extremely powerful, being able to take out one-third of Sora’s health, especially if you don’t make him or his allies don't grind that often.
  3. Ursula has quite a lot of health, even by early boss standers, so it will be a long battle.
  4. Ursula is extremely aggressive with how frequently she attacks. She doesn't stagger, and you're still under fire even when she is exhausted. This makes stopping to heal yourself is almost impossible if you don't have Leaf Bracer, which you likely won't have if you chose the Dream Sword at the beginning.
  5. The swim controls make this frustrating since you (as Sora) are completely without the guard command for this entire fight.

The Only Redeeming Quality

  1. Some of the things Ursula says during the fight can be a bit amusing.